The Boat Project is a prototype of an upcoming mobile game.

Please use the mouse, or a direct touch via your mobile phone to navigate. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard. 

You are in control of a green boat. You must navigate in the blue water while avoiding the grey terrain, and the adverse red boats. You can navigate by using the throttle/brake lever, and the direction knob. A horn is also provided.

Your boat is fitted with safety systems. An obstacle alert, visual and audible when you are pointing towards a terrain, a proximity alert when you are too close to an obstacle and an audible "Traffic traffic" like an airliner's TCAS to indicate that you, and another ship are crossing paths. Ships may horn at you if they see you.

To navigate accurately, a compass is provided, on the bottom part of the HUD. The Yellow Arrow indicate the final objective, and the Red Arrow indicate the path you have to follow. Note: As of now, if you go back to a previous waypoint, the red arrow will not reinitialise itself to indicate you the path again.

Please note that this version is full of bugs. If you encounter any issue with the boat controls after restarting, please, refresh the web page.

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